Asian coffee is not just a drink; It is an experience that encapsulates the rich history and vibrant culture of Cartagena. This emblematic coffee is a harmonious mix of flavors that has conquered palates over the years and has become a gastronomic symbol of the city.

Origins of Asian Coffee

The history of Asian coffee is as rich as its flavor. There are two main theories about its origin. The first suggests that it was born in the bars of the port of Cartagena at the beginning of the 20th century, where sailors from the East Indies ordered a coffee fortified with condensed milk and brandy to combat the cold. The second theory takes us to El Albujón, a county council from Cartagena, where in 1947, Pedro Conesa 'Pedrín' would have created this drink by accident when trying to improve the bitter taste of poorly filtered coffee.

Ingredients and Preparation

Asian coffee is prepared with a base of condensed milk, to which is added a good coffee, cognac and, in some modern versions, a touch of Licor 43. It is served hot, with coffee beans, lemon peel and a pinch of cinnamon to decorate3.

Where to Enjoy the Best Asian Coffee in Cartagena

If you are in Cartagena and want to try this delicious drink, there are several places that you cannot miss:

  • Kuss: Known for offering one of the best Asian coffees in the area, Kuss is a place that combines quality and tradition.
  • CafeLab: This establishment is another favorite among locals for authentic Asian coffee.
  • Asian Shop: Not only can you taste excellent Asian coffee, but they also offer sets to prepare it at home.

Asian coffee is more than a drink; It is a cultural legacy that Cartagena proudly offers to the world. Whether you enjoy it in a historic bar or a modern cafe, each sip will take you on a journey through the history and flavor that define this magnificent city.